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Tax Advisory

We provide efficient, cost effective Tax solutions

Like all other governments, the government of Uganda is trying day by day to widen its tax base in a move to fund its budget and reduce on the foreign dependence. URA is trying by all means to reduce on the size of the informal sector in collaborations sister institutions so as to improve on compliance levels and better the tax to GDP ratio.

Recently, in a bid to make business people comply without difficulties, a one stop centre has been put in place where a tax payer can access all services of URA, KCCA and URSB at the same office. Uganda’s tax system is getting complex and onerous on businesses – so complex that many businesses inadvertently overpay or underpay their taxes. The consequence is the loss of money. We provide efficient, cost effective Tax solutions that include:

  • Assistance with TIN registration (Individual/Non Individual).
  • Computation of tax liabilities.
  • Advice on internal tax planning and administration ·
  • Use of the most appropriate schemes to reduce tax burden.
  • Tax controls and reconciliations.
  • Completing and filing tax returns with Uganda Revenue Authority electronically.
  • Representing businesses to Uganda Revenue Authority in cases of assessments.
  • Review compliancy to tax legislation.
  • Assist in applying for exemption status from Uganda Revenue Authority.
  • Assist in applying for tax clearance certificates.
  • Processing of VAT, Withholding Tax and Income Tax Refunds from Uganda Revenue Authority

To achieve all the above, you must be having a well established accounting system that helps you capture and keep organized and proper books of accounts.